Introduction to Risk Assessment

$900.00 +GST

Our 1-day in-house Risk Assessment course covers both quantitative and qualitative risk assessment tools (including bow tie, layer of protection analysis (LOPA), risk matrix, fault tree) and how they can be applied to the overall safety assessment process. There are a number of techniques available, and selecting the correct tool is critical to performing an effective assessment.


Course Duration 1 Day


This in-house course can be run online or face-to-face

Identifying process hazards is often captured with techniques such as HAZOP or HAZID. The main objective of these studies is to identify the process hazards. To decide on whether process designs or operations are acceptable, we often need to subject them to a risk analysis.

The objectives of this Risk Assessment course are to develop the skills necessary to select and understand the appropriate risk assessment technique and ensure the process can be effectively integrated into a company’s process safety management processes.

Introduction to Risk Assessment Training Course Content

  • Types of risk assessment
  • Bow tie development
  • Use of Risk Matrices
  • Layer of protection analysis
  • Consequences
  • Integrating risk analysis into a company’s operations

Course Duration: 1 day

Maximum number of attendees: 15

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