The identification of process hazards is often captured with techniques such as HAZOP. The main objective of these studies is to identify the process hazards. To make a decision on whether process designs or operations are acceptable, we often need to subject them to a risk analysis. Our risk assessment training course is aimed at developing proficiency in the key methods used in the process industries.
There are a number of risk assessment techniques that can be performed, but not all are suitable to each situation. There are qualitative techniques such as risk matrices, semi-quantitative techniques such as LOPA and fully quantitative techniques that include consequence and likelihood modelling.
The objectives of this Risk Assessment course are to develop the skills necessary to select and perform the appropriate risk assessment technique and ensure the process can be effectively integrated into a company’s process safety management processes.
Risk Assessment Training Course Content
- Process safety history and hazard identification
- Types of risk assessment
- Risk targets
- Bow tie development
- Calibrating a risk matrix
- Layer of protection analysis
- Fault tree analysis
- Consequence analysis and risk profiling
- Integrating risk analysis into a company’s operations
Course Duration: 2 days
Maximum number of attendees: 15
Click here to inquire about this course as an in-house event at your site.
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